
Things i love about Europe.

Ovvero come il sig. Tremonti Giulio dovrebbe imparare a leggere (e capire) la lingua inglese.

“As a follow-up on the reaction from the European film sector on a future MEDIA Programme to Mr. Barroso, a press release from the European Commission officially denies the rumours about the possibility of closing MEDIA by 2014. And….….also the regional & local level is mentioned.

Mr. Barroso: “The field of culture is a very important one, also for the European economy. Let me mention the MEDIA programme, related to European cinema. There were some reports saying that the European Commission had the intention to reduce it, which is completely inaccurate. On the contrary, if one thinks about something concerning this programme, it is to reinforce it, at least this is what we are going to propose. The MEDIA programme has been making a great contribution to European Cinema for 20 years now. €1.7 billion has been invested in European cinema. Thanks to that programme, many exchanges and translations were organised, which made the distribution of European movies possible in other parts of Europe and in other parts of the world. These are concrete examples of where the European Union can help what has been done at national or even regional or local level”.

Public hearing on MEDIA, 18th March, Brussels
As already announced (email 25 Feb.) the European Commission is organising a public hearing to discuss the future of the MEDIA Programme on Friday 18 March 2011 at the European Commission, Gasperi meeting room, Charlemagne Building, Rue de la Loi 198, 1040 Brussels from 9 am to 4 pm.”

Fonte:Cine Regio

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